Upcoming talks

Moderator: agner

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Upcoming talks

Post by agner » Mon 2021-02-01 8:51:29

Upcoming talks by Agner Fog:

Feb. 10, 2021: 19th Annual Evolutionary Psychology Preconference. "Psychological adaptations to war
explain cultural differences". Poster presentation and discussion. Link.

Feb. 26, 2021: ISA Forum of Sociology. "Meta-Analysis of Published Cultural Variables Shows Reproducible Super-Factors". Link.

May 20, 2021: "Evolutionary theory reveals a common structure behind the chaos of cultural variables." Webinars on Culture and Values. Link.

Site Admin
Posts: 29
Joined: Sun 2017-10-15 5:55:28

Video from the webinar on cultural values

Post by agner » Mon 2021-05-24 15:23:48

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